Monday, October 19, 2015


       I am a member of Generation Y. Another name for members of this generation is Millennials. I recently read an article that argued Millennials, who now compose a large portion of the workforce, are not satisfied with working simply to turn a profit. It stated that we are more interested in working to make a difference. One thing I can say for certain is that statement rings true for this Millennial and future social worker. A lesson my father instilled in me since early childhood is, true fulfillment comes from loving what you do, not from doing what makes the most money.  I have often told people I am going to school to become a social worker, only to receive the reply, “well you’re never going to make any money!” It is true that most social workers do not bring home significantly large paychecks; however, I believe we are some of the richest employees of all. We get to make a difference with our jobs, every day and in so many lives, and that is truly valuable.
       As most social workers you meet will probably say, I always knew I wanted to help people. When I discovered the field of social work, I knew it was the right field for me. Thus far, most of my experience as a social worker has been in the classroom. I am still working towards the completion of my BSW from the University of Montevallo in Montevallo, Alabama. I have had the amazing experience of learning about micro, mezzo, and macro practice from the UM faculty members, who have wonderfully diverse service backgrounds and interests. I originally imagined myself going into micro practice working with individuals and families. In fact, I have had two very fulfilling long-term volunteer experiences in direct patient care settings. I am incredibly grateful for the micro practitioners on the front line, and I welcome all the opportunities I receive to gain more practice experience on the micro level. However, last semester I took a class on policy and macro practice. In the midst of the class, I realized I am truly invigorated by the idea of advocating for large-scale changes on the macro level. We were given the task of choosing a policy to analyze in a three-part paper, for which I chose a local Alabama House Bill to assess and follow as it made its way through the 2015 legislative session. Through that experience, I learned so much about the development and implementation of life-changing policies. I am grateful for that assignment, and I am even more grateful to identify what I believe my true calling is in the field of social work. I believe while practitioners serve vulnerable and oppressed individuals, families, groups, and communities, I can join forces with other social workers to advocate for progressive changes in policy to improve the quality of that service delivery.
       As I said, my journey as a social worker is just now beginning. I have so many ideas and hopes for my future in the field. I have decided to share my journey with whomever would like to follow along through this blog. Writing a blog is a new avenue for me, so please bear with me if it gets rocky at times.  I believe this is a potentially great way to express my thoughts and connect with other individuals who share my passion for progressive change.

Thanks for reading!

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